ACCELQ script plugin is a node.js based application. It has app.js file and you can use node.js runtime based image to build and run it. This can be used at places like Azure Pipeline, AWS Code Deploy, GitLab, Bitbucket Pipeline, Bitrise etc.
Mandatory Parameters
- url - Your ACCELQ Application URL in the exact following format: https://<hostname>:<port_num>
- userID - Your ACCELQ User ID
- apiKey - API key available in Profile section of ACCELQ
- tenantCode - Tenant Code displayed in the Profile section of ACCELQ
- jobID - This ID should come from the CI job you saved in ACCELQ application
Optional Parameters
- runParams - Run Params should be JSON string form example: '{"username": "John Todd", "password": "bxW&=UVw"}'
- proxyHost - Proxy Host
- proxyPort - Proxy Port
agentName - Agent name, if the existing agent configured for this job needs to be overwritten.
- expireTimeInMinutes - Maximum wait time for this job to be picked by agent. Defaults to 15mins, after that this job is marked as aborted
Example flow:
tar xvzf accelq_ci_cd.tar.gz
cd out
npm install
node app.js --url "" --userID "" --apiKey "abcjXWDlwwd" --tenantCode "accelq" --jobID "123" --agentName "pocAgent" --proxyHost "localhost" --proxyPort "22" --runParams '{"username": "bcd"}'
Note: Job ID required for the "--jobID" argument is generated from ACCELQ. Here is how.
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