Availability: ACCELQ Release 4.5
ACCELQ provides a plugin to execute Automation tests as part of Azure CI/CD pipeline. This article explains how to setup this plugin on Azure Pipeline.
Steps to Download the plugin
- Go to https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=IntegrationACCELQ.build-release-task
- Click on the Get it Free button
- This will lead you to a new page where you can select which organization you want to download this plugin for. Select and continue.
Adding ACCELQ Automation as a Job in a pipeline
- Go to your Project -> Pipelines -> Stage (where you wish to add this plugin, as a Job)
- Click on Jobs under that Stage.
- Click on “+” icon as shown below where you want to add this Job.
Under the list of possible jobs, go to the Build Section and add ACCELQ Azure CI Connect as shown in image below
Fill up the form with relevant details from your ACCELQ account.
Mandatory Parameters:
- App URL: Your ACCELQ Application URL in the exact following format: https://<hostname>:<port_num>
- API Key: API key available in Profile section of ACCELQ
- Tenant Code: Tenant Code displayed in the Profile section of ACCELQ
- ACCELQ CI Job ID: This ID should come from the CI job you saved in ACCELQ application
Optional Parameters:
- Run Parameters (optional): Run Params should be JSON string form example: '{"username": "John Todd", "password": "bxW&=UVw"}'
- Proxy Host (optional): Proxy Host
- Proxy Port (optional): Proxy Port
- Step Failure threshold (optional): Percentage ACCELQ test case failure, beyond which this Step in the Pipeline will be marked as a failure. If this is zero, even a single failed test will cause the Step to fail. If you never want to fail the Pipeline Step due to failing Automation tests, input -1.
Input a valid integer between 0 and 100 or, -1.
Reviewing Automation run progress
When a pipeline is kicked off, ACCELQ Job generates console output that includes regular updates to the run along with a link to get comprehensive details of the run.
Here’s a sample of log response
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