Use this step-by-step guide to use REST API calls to get a summary of test results on your accelQ project.
- If pageNum is empty or invalid, then the first page data is returned.
- If an invalid pageSize is supplied, 100 records are returned. Maximum value you can supply is also 100.
- Both the dates should be specified in dd-mm-yyyy format. Time format is HH:MM (24-hour format). Time stamps are based on accelQ server time zone.
- If all the filter properties are empty the API returns the latest 10 test run results.
JSON paths to parse values from the above response
All the test run results are returned in an array named data. Following sample JSON paths are built for first item in the array (index = 0, data[0]).
Job PID $.data[0].jobPid
Purpose of run $.data[0].purpose
Project name $.data[0].projectCode
Test Suite name $.data[0].testSuiteName
Scenario name $.data[0].scnName
Total number of test cases $.data[0].testcaseCount
Number of test cases passed $.data[0].pass
Number of test cases failed $.data[0].fail
Number of test cases not run $.data[0].notRun
OS $.data[0].hostConfig.os
Browser $.data[0].hostConfig.browser
Execution environment name $.data[0]
Execution host $.data[0].hostConfig.onPremiseHost
Run parameters Map $.data[0].runConfig
Specific run parameter (say r1) $.data[0].runConfig.r1
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