ACCELQ provides integration points with market-leading Requirements management and Defect tracking tools. This allows you to seamlessly establish traceability between ACCELQ test cases and external Requirements/defects.
While the Requirement and Defect life cycle is still managed in the external system, updates are still reflected in real-time in ACCELQ.
Supported Systems
ACCELQ supports direct integration with the following systems:
- Atlassian Jira
- Microsoft Azure TFS/VSTS
- Rally Cloud
- Spira
- ClickUp
Defining Integration Point
The integration information is managed at a Project level in ACCELQ and you need Project Admin privilege for the project where you are setting up this integration.
- Login to ACCELQ. Be sure that you have Project Admin privileges.
- Open Project configuration for the project and navigate to Integrations > Defect Traceability or Requirements Traceability
- You can select the target external system in the dropdown and furnish the connection information. The next section explains the credentials required for each of the supported platforms.
- Once you provide connection information, click "Test Connection" to ensure the communication between ACCELQ and the external system is established properly.
Connection Mode
The Connection Mode setting allows you to control how ACCELQ tries to communicate with your external system.
- Browser-side: Enables communication from your browser directly, just like you work with Jira, TFS, or Rally-Cloud from the browser. This is the default and preferred mode and you do not need any network or firewall settings to be changed.
- Server-side: Enables the communication from the ACCELQ server to the external system. You may want to use this setting in cases where the external system access is white-listed to allow access from the ACCELQ cloud server.
Connection Information
Jira Connection
One of the following options may be used depending on your Jira setup.
- URL, User name, and Password that you use to log in to Jira.
- URL, User name, and API Key
You can create an API Key on Jira by navigating to
Azure, TFS, or VSTS
The following options are available for connecting with Microsoft Azure or TFS
- URL and Personal Access Token (recommended)
- Alternate Credentials that include URL and password
Personal Access Token: Login to your Azure account and navigate to User Settings > Personal Access Token left-nav.
Alternate Credentials: Login to your Azure account and navigate to User Settings > Alternate Credentials. You can set up either a primary or secondary user and use one of these for the credentials.
Rally Cloud Connection
Availability: ACCELQ Release 5.0
You need to provide the URL, Username, password or API key, and Subscription Object ID to establish a connection with Rally Cloud. You can extract the Subscription Object ID as follows:
- Login to Rally with your existing credentials
- In a new browser tab, open the following URL
- A JSON object will be displayed, look for the following property. Your Subscription ID is the number after "subscription/"
You can create an API Key on Rally from here
Spira Test Integration
Refer to this article to learn about setting up Spira Test integration.
ClickUp Integration
You need the following information from ClickUp to establish integration in ACCELQ:
- ClickUp URL
- API Key
- Team ID
Establishing Traceability in ACCELQ
Once the integration is set up, you can start establishing traceability from ACCELQ use cases.
Learn more about managing Requirements traceability
Learn more about managing Defects' traceability
Reviewing Test Coverage information in Jira/Azure
Setting up the integration point in ACCELQ allows information to be brought in from Jira/Azure to establish traceability with ACCELQ Scenarios. However, if you need to view this traceability information in the Jira/Azure interface, you will need to install the respective plugin. Here are the articles to help you with setting up these plugins.
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