Configure iOS settings for automation
To automate iOS devices, you will need apple developer ID.
Login to your apple developer account (
Open certificates, identifiers & profiles from left navigation.
From the top right corner of the page copy the team ID.
On the ACCELQ Agent Command Center dashboard, open the "Mobile Device Management" > "iOS Settings" tab and paste the Team ID you copied from the apple developer account. Click on the "Save" button.
If someone else from your team has already set up the configuration for the apple developer ID, all other fields will be automatically populated. Otherwise, follow the steps below.
The Certificate Signing Request section will be highlighted. Click on the "Generate New" button to generate a new certificate signing request.
A file with .csr extension will be downloaded on your computer.
Now connect your iOS device with the computer via USB cable.
You will see your device listed in the "Connected Devices" list.
Now click on the iOS device's name.
A modal will display the device UDID.
Copy the device UDID.
In the apple developer account, open "Devices" from left navigation in certificates, identifiers & profiles.
Verify the device with the same UDID that you copied is registered in the list.
If the device is not listed click on the (+) button to add the new device to the list.
Paste the device UDID that you copied from the ACCELQ Agent Command Center dashboard, provide the device name and click on the "Continue" button. Then click on "Register" to register the device.
Now, click open "Identifiers" from the left navigation.
See in the list com.* is already present. If not, create a new identifier by clicking on the (+) add button.
Select "App IDs" and contnue.
Select App and continue.
Set the bundle ID as "com.*" and select "Wildcard" and continue.
Then on the next screen click on "Register".
Now, from the left navigation open certificates and click on the (+) button to add the certificate.
Select Apple Development and click on continue.
Upload the certificate signing request (.csr) you downloaded from the ACCELQ Agent Command Center dashboard and continue.
Then download your certificate with .cer extension.
Now open "Profiles" from the left navigation and click on the (+) button to add the new profile.
Select "iOS App Development" and continue.
Select the identifier that you created for bundle ID com.* (wildcard) and continue.
Select the certificate that you just created and click on continue.
Select the devices you want to automate and continue.
Provide a provisioning profile name and click on "Generate".
Download the generated provisioning profile with extension .mobileprovision.
Now go back to the ACCELQ Agent command center and upload the certificate (.cer) and mobile provision files in "Mobile Device Management > iOS Settings tab"
After uploading the files, wait for the "Sign WebDriverAgent" process to complete.
Setup real iOS device for automation
Then open the devices tab and click on the "Click here" to set up iOS device.
Wait for the setup process to be completed. Also, check your device for any passcode prompt/trust device prompt. Please trust the device and provide the passcode when needed to automate the device.
Once setup is done it will show the device status as "Available".
Now you can capture views or run tests on this device from ACCELQ.
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