ACCELQ allows you to customize the capabilities of your mobile driver to meet your testing requirements. This gives you complete control over the launch behavior of your mobile application during automated testing. You can configure Appium-related capabilities as well as capabilities specific to your device provider.
ACCELQ supports a variety of device providers including Browser Stack, Lambda Test, HeadSpin, Sauce Labs, Digital AI, Perfecto, and others for test execution.
To create a structured Mobile Driver profile JSON, you must follow these steps. For device provider capabilities, such as those from BrowserStack, HeadSpin, LambdaTest, and others, you need to add them inside the "cloudOptions" property. Meanwhile, any Appium-related capabilities should be added at the root level.
If you wish to test a local device, you can include all Appium-related capabilities at the root level, as shown in the last example.
The key browserstack.local is now deprecated. Now you need to use "local":true in cloud options as shown below:
"platformVersion": "12.0",
"cloudOptions" : {
"local" : "true",
"video" : "false"
Lambda Test
"cloudOptions": {
"platformName": "ios",
"deviceOrientation": "landscape",
"isRealMobile": true
Sauce Labs
"browserName": "Safari",
"appium:deviceName": "iPhone X ",
"appium:automationName": "XCUITest",
"cloudOptions": {
"name": "ACCELQ iOS Sanity Test"
"": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
"": true
"cloudOptions" : {
"manufacturer" : "Google",
"model" : "Pixel 4"
Running on Local Device
"deviceName":"iPhone 7",
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