When you have an automated test job that needs to be stopped from execution, here are two options.
Stop a particular job from execution
- Open the result page for the job under execution.
- Click on the "Abort" button in the top-right corner of the page.
Note: "Abort" button is available only for jobs which are in pending or in-progress status.
Terminating all jobs executing on an Agent
If there is a need to terminate all jobs scheduled or progressing on a particular Agent, follow the steps here:
- On the machine where the Local Agent is deployed, navigate to <agent folder>/bin using file explorer.
- Execute the batch (for Windows) or shell (Linux or Mac) script: cleanup_and_restart_agent.bat or cleanup_and_restart_agent.sh
Note: Simply terminating and restarting an Agent will not stop currently running jobs on the Agent. Test jobs continue to run regardless of Agent's own running status, but the status of the runs is communicated with the server once an Agent is up and running.
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