Here are some of the new features and enhancements added as part of Release 3.3
- Enhanced UI/UX for API Wizard, with a simplified approach to reviewing REST response and inserting verification points.
- When associating User Stories, you can now search for Jira stories based on free form text. You can also select multiple search results in one go, for requirements association to a Scenario and test suite.
- When creating defect from accelQ, you can now associate existing Jira/TFS requirements to the defect. Newly created defect will display these stories as Related items.
- Support for Windows based applications
- Enhanced Scenario step level interaction and context menu at step level. Improved usability of scenario editing, by providing context menu as an option to add or delete steps.
- SME users can now create/modify Scenarios and test cases. SME license option becomes even more comprehensive with an ability to assemble test Scenarios and test cases.
- You can now create a new Action from the Actions sidebar of a Context. Owner Context is pre-selected to the currently displayed context.
- API commands now support SSL validation and certificates
- Secure passwords in db connection commands: When using database connection commands in action logic, you now provide password information in encrypted format. Makes it more secure as the plain passwords are not exposed.
- accelQ Server and Agent Technology upgrade: accelQ server environment is upgraded to latest technology stack including JDK, Postgres, Wildfly and Gradle.
- Enhanced parameter overriding interaction at Scenario step level. Clearly explains each option for Scenario parameter overriding.
- Overall stability and performance related issues.
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