View refers to the visual representation of a UI Context. It allows offline interaction with application screen and various other analysis use cases in accelQ. A Context may have multiple Views that represent slight variations in the UI Context based on user actions. For example, when you hover on a top-level menu item in the Home Page, you may be presented with a doormat menu, which contains additional visual elements and hence can be saved as an additional View for the same Context.
Once the number of Views exceeds 10, accelQ warns every time a new View is created and suggests considering breaking down the Contexts. It is possible that the boundary of Context may not have been appropriately demarcated. What actually qualifies as different Context in the application may be construed as multiple Views of the same Context. To inform the user of such a possibility, system starts giving a warning when the number of Views for a Context exceeds 10. This is only a best-practices suggestion and does not, in any way curtail normal functionality.
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