Subscription: Enterprise Edition Availability: Release 6.0
When running Automation tests on web applications, you can enable the validation of Web Accessibility. This will comprehensively validate accessibility parameters as defined by the WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 on level A and AA compliance requirements, as well as a number of best practices.
This validation is achieved contextually for every page in your application as a functional automation test is executed. No explicit effort is required from a test development point of view.
Since the process is embedded in the functional test cycle, all the pages touched during the automation test are covered for Web Accessibility validation. This avoids an otherwise tedious effort to cover various paths and pages involved in an application flow.
Enable Web Accessibility Validation
Click the Non-Functional Testing section in the Run modal and enable the Web Accessibility validation. This will automatically kick off the validation of accessibility parameters at the beginning of each Action in the test Scenario.
Execution and Reporting
Once Web Accessibility is enabled, accessibility is validated for every element on the web page at the beginning of each step (Action) in the test Scenario. This is executed right after the page synch is completed.
Test Report shows a clear listing of all violations, grouped by severity and category of failure. Reporting provides rich visual controls to highlight failing HTML elements and navigation across these elements.
Click on the left-nav listing of different types of violations. Once the image is loaded, you can navigate across all instances of the elements with that violation.
Extensive information related to the nature of the violation and the possible remedial steps is also accessible with the "More info" link.
Classification of Accessibility Violations
All the calculated violations are listed under 3 groups:
- Needs attention: Issues that require a remedy, as per the WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 on level A and AA standards.
- Probable issues: Issues that the tool cannot ascertain for sure. Needs an expert review to qualify.
- Best Practices: Issues that are good to be fixed, but not necessarily regulatory.
Note: Automated accessibility testing is a valuable tool that can help you quickly and reliably identify potential accessibility issues on your application pages. However, while automated testing can be an efficient supplement to manual assessment, it should not be viewed as a complete replacement, particularly when it comes to regulatory compliance requirements.
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