Here is an example of how you would setup a smoke test suite.
Step #1: Define a custom field to tag smoke test cases
- Navigate to Configuration screen by clicking the cog icon in the lower left corner (in the left-nav menu).
Note: you will need Project Admin privileges for this step.
- Click "Custom Fields" in the left nav links of Configuration screen
- Define a new custom field, "Test Case Type" and configure as shown in the screen below.
- Options: Smoke, Sanity, Regression
- Type: List
- Applicable To: Auto Test Case, Manual Test Case
For the test cases that are already on the system, either choose to use a default value for "Test Case Type" or leave it blank.
Step #2: Mark Test Cases for "Test Case Type"
When creating a new test case for a Scenario, choose appropriate value for "Test Case Type". Same can be done for existing test cases by opening the test case for edits.
Step #3: Create a test suite for smoke test
- From the "+" icon in the top tool bar, create new Test Suite (Manual or Automated suite)
- Select "Filter Based" as the type of suite.
- Click "Save & Continue" button.
- Click the link in the Dashboard tab of the Test Suite to setup Filter criterion
- Select "Sanity Test" with value "Yes".
- This will dynamically bring in all the sanity test cases across the Universe. As new test cases are added, this suite keeps evolving dynamically.
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