Static Test Suite allows combining multiple Scenarios and arrange them in required sequence. This Suite can then be executed as a single unit.
When you are building end-to-end test flows, sometimes it may be required to link multiple Scenarios with inputs/outputs. For example, consider the following end-to-end test:
- Scenario 1: Create a Purchase Order
- Scenario 2: Verify PO in the back-end
- Scenario 3: Cancel PO
Scenario #1 outputs the PO number, which needs to be passed as input to some of the steps in the 2nd and 3rd Scenarios. You accomplish this by storing the output from a Step in the first Scenario into a Run Parameter and then using this Run Parameter for parameter overriding in a subsequent Scenario. This is a 2-step process:
Step 1:
Click on the name of the output parameter in the first Scenario step and redirect the output to a Run Property.
Step 2:
For subsequent Scenarios, override the input of a step with the above Run Property.
Click on the Input parameter name in the Scenario step and override the parameter.
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