accelQ takes a comprehensive approach for element identification. With the advent of rich interactive and dynamic applications on the web, it has become a challenge to tag element identification for a reliable test execution. accelQ’s Element Explorer is an innovative interactive system helping you develop stable criterion of uniqueness. Some of the features in Element Explorer geared to address dynamic content:
- HTML attribute based jQuery approach: Element identification is based on complete HTML attributes of the UI element, rather than limiting to a limited set of attributes like ID, class or name. This provides for a lot more flexibility in arriving at suitable criterion for identification.
- Neighborhood analysis: accelQ scans the entire neighborhood of the interested element to arrive at a combination of nodes and attributes that can provide a stable element ID. Locator may be automatically formed using a combination of Ancestor, Descendant or Sibling nodes.
- Regular Expression: Attribute values can be specified as full fledged regular expression patterns, making it easy to support dynamic attribute values.
- Repeat Element: An element that repeats an unknown number of times can be tagged as “Repeat Element” and the locator can specify relative indexing based on first or last element in the list.
- Linked Elements: Allows attributes of unrelated elements to be used for identification of an element, if they are functionally related (not necessarily having any DOM based relationship).
- Family of Elements: Element-Family groups related elements together in one family, so that the identification of a member of the family is only relative to the Anchor element of the family. This significantly narrows down the requirement for ID properties for uniqueness and groups together all related elements in one family.
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