A UI Context can be marked as “Entry Point” if it can be directly invoked with a URL without any business logic. Such Contexts can be initialized as the first step in a Scenario. Initialization step opens a new browser with the specified URL.
URL for the Entry Point Contexts is specified either during the creation of the Context or updated in the Details sidebar of the particular Context. You can specify URL either as a hard-coded literal or as a Global Parameter. In the latter case, you can define URL specific to each test/data environment. Click on the “type selector” icon and select “Global Parameter” in the Entry Point field while defining the URL.
Additionally, you can update the URL for a Context specifically at an individual Scenario level by clicking on the URL parameter in the Initialization step of the Scenario. This does not impact the original URL specified for the Context, but just uses the new URL for the particular Scenario.
You can manage the value of Global Parameter from the “Resources” section under “Navigator” with an ability to provide different URL values for different environments. At the time you execute the test cases, you can point the Run to a specific environment.
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